Friday, November 30, 2012

The Things I Carry

I’ve been gradually crossing off items from my seemingly endless list for about a month now. The time has finally and already come. Tomorrow I set off to New Zealand for a two month trek! I somehow managed to shove 43 pounds worth of essentials in my pack… and usually I use the term ‘essentials’ with a wide margin, but not this time folks. For the next two months this is what I will be living with:
·         Tent
·         Sleeping bag
·         Thermarest Sleeping pad
·         Camera and extra lens
·         Four memory cards and three batteries (still don’t feel like that’s enough)
·         Jet boil and accessories
·         Leatherman
·         A flashlight/taser combo (thanks Bernie)
·         Headlamp
·         Journal (of course)
·         Survival guide book (just in case)
·         New Zealand guide book
·         First aid kit (emphasis on the blister care kit)
·         A few toiletries (ok, maybe more than a ‘few’)
·         Hiking pants
·         Spandex pants
·         Running shorts
·         Tank top
·         Two T-shirts
·         Long underwear shirt
·         Down jacket
·         Rain jacket
·         An ‘infinity skirt’ (doubles as scarf, etc etc)
·         Two pairs of exefficio undies (I really hope they work as well as they say)
·         Sports bra
·         A buff
·         Chacos
·         Hiking boots
·         Food and water (heavy.)
·         Water filter
·         Quick dry towel
·         Three pairs of wool socks
·         Rope and bungees
·         Most importantly…wallet and passport.

There you have it. Roughly 45 things, 45 pounds. Now to lay awake all night and try to remember what I am forgetting…….....

Anyways. Maybe I am brave…maybe I am just crazy. The reality of it all hasn’t quite hit me yet, and I am sure it won’t until I am flying over NZ. Good thing I have 24 hours of travel to let it all sink in.
I will be staying with a couchsurfing couple in Christchurch for a couple days, and from there it’s wide open spaces. Getting lost, getting found... meeting strangers who become family…. Never knowing what tomorrow will bring….a few reasons why I do this.

Not sure when I will have internet to write again, but I assure you the next entry will be one of the best. I cannot wait to see what’s in store for me!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm freakin out, man.

Maybe having a blog where I write all about my life and my travels contradicts this statement, but sometimes I just get so sick of talking about myself. To be honest, constantly explaining my plans day after day really ruins any bit of spontaneity. But the worst part of talking about it so often is the feeling that people think I am immodest. Not the case. I am so lucky to be living the way I am, but it has been an absolute conscious choice, one that is not always as glamorous as it may seem.

I leave for New Zealand in 24 days and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared shitless. I feel completely unprepared. I have no plans whatsoever…no destinations besides catching my flight back on January 30th… and no secure places to sleep for 60 nights. I am kind of freaking out a little… I think I would be crazy if I wasn’t. As an independent person, I truly love going places solo… but as a 22 year old female it can be intimidating. However, my gut says go…go with all your heart. I cannot even begin to imagine the wonderful events that are about to unfold. Whenever I am still enough, I can feel the excitement, the change, the shifting of the universe coursing through my veins. A nomad lifestyle fits my soul far too perfectly.

Although I have extremely enjoyed being home the past few weeks, the wanderlust is taking over little by little. My month-long road trip temporarily quenched my travel thirst. It was truly a trip of moments. Moments where I realized I am in the exact place I am meant to be; moments that bring about the most profound clarity; moments where I smelt so awful, had hairy legs and greasy hair, yet felt more beautiful than I ever had; moments that were too perfect to be true; and moments that made me revisit my past--the good and bad, and made me even more thankful for my present. I became friends with some of the most wonderful people. I realized how simply you can live and be happier than most will ever be. It was exhausting and exhilarating. My mornings were filled with coffee and cookies, my days were packed with endless miles in a stinky car, my evenings were spent cooking delicious food around a campfire, and at night I slept in a tiny tent on a really subpar sleeping mat. But it was all great, thanks to two amazing travel mates.  

Today I want to end on an encouraging note. Get out there and LIVE people. Maybe traveling the world doesn’t do it for you, but there is no reason for you to ever be envious of mine or anyone else’s life. It’s never too late to make your dreams come true. Find your passions. Be familiar with the sensation that your cheeks might fall off from smiling too much. Know the slight ache in your core from laughing until you cry. Let yourself be sad sometimes so you can fully appreciate when you’re happy. Inspiration is a beautiful thing… so spread it and consume it. Above all, love yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised to see the places that alone can take you.