Saturday, June 9, 2012

She Moves in Her Own Way

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
-Albert Einstein
Kind of a smart man, wouldn’t you say? I believe his theory whole-heartedly. There have been too many times where I have focused on what I wanted and actually got it for to be called fate or destiny or even chance. Problem is I don’t always have the optimal reality in mind for myself. I go after something I think I want, and only after I get it do I realize maybe that wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen. I make hasty decisions, I speak without thinking, and I can’t quite seem to learn from past experiences and mistakes. Of course all my past actions have led me to this moment, and there is truly no other place I would rather be. The lesson to learn today is to slow down…take a step back…and give more trust to the universe and less control in life to myself. Keep letting life happen to me; that’s when it is as its best. I know the universe has a much greater plan for me than I for myself, so I just need to let it guide me through serendipitous love and joy.

It’s imperative for me to remember that when restlessness hits, the only unwavering cure is nature; fresh air, endless skies, comfortable silence, invigorating climbs into the unknown. Nature is my ideal companion. It can be fussy, unpredictable, and relentless, but it never ceases to bring out my soul’s truest light. “Maybe getting lost is the best way to find yourself.” I need to get lost again soon, if only to feel refreshed. I need to discover more about myself. After twenty-one years you would think I would know a fair amount about myself, but it seems as though there is something else to learn and embrace and overcome every day.

“…I’ve come to test the timber of my heart. And I’ve come to be untroubled in my seeking. And I’ve come to see that nothing is for naught. I’ve come to reach out blind, to reach forward and behind. For the more I seek the more I’m sought. Oh they say I come with less than I should rightfully possess. I say the more I buy the more I’m bought. And the more I’m bought the less I cost. And I’ve come to say exactly what I mean. And I mean so many things…”

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