Friday, May 4, 2012

Greetings from ALASKA

“I am a modern-day nomad. I have no permanent address, no possession except the ones I carry, and I rarely know where I’ll be six months from now. I move through the world without a plan, guided by instinct, connecting through trust, and constantly watching for serendipitous opportunities.”
--Rita Golden Gelman, Tales of a Female Nomad-Living at Large in the World
This woman gets me. Granted, she had adventures that surpass mine, but she was also 48 when she started. I find it most comforting lately to read personal accounts of various women’s adventures. It gives me the extra kick of girl power needed to carry on without fear. I cannot count the number of times I have heard lately: “So you’re just here by yourself, no plan, no friends, just you? … Aren’t you afraid?” I am not afraid because I refuse to let myself be afraid. What is there really to be afraid of? I am in an awesome place, surrounded by people who have been nothing but friendly. This excerpt from another female adventure book has helped me feel better anytime I feel any insecurity creeping in, “it was a deal I’d made with myself months before and the only thing that allowed me to hike alone. I knew that if I allowed fear to overtake me, my journey was doomed. Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me. Insisting on this story was a form of mind control, but for the most part, it worked. Every time I heard a sound of unknown origin or felt something horrible cohering in my imagination, I pushed it away. I simply didn’t let myself become afraid. Fear begets fear. Power begets power. I willed myself to beget power. And it wasn’t long before I actually wasn’t afraid” (Cheryl Strayed, WILD). Fear gets you nowhere but living a mundane life, and that’s just not in the cards for me.
As far as what I’ve been up to—where do I start?
My flight was incredible; my neck was absolutely cramped for a whole day from literally plastering my face to the window! It was just so beautiful! Sunrise flights are the best, there is truly nothing like it. I started the first flight with such extreme nerves I honestly thought I would throw up. Eventually worked my way to such extreme joy that I had to hold back my tears. I really just wanted to let myself cry and be totally overwhelmed, but I figured the gentleman next to me miiiight feel a bit awkward.

As of now, I am still in Anchorage, couchsurfing (staying on people’s couches, spare beds, etc.) with a few different people. My first hosts, Casey and Brad, were great; they were so generous and loving. I visited the essentials of Anchorage: walked the coastal trail, ate scrumptious pizza at Moose’s Tooth, drank a good beer at Brewhouse, and didn’t go into a single tacky souvenir shop! I met a couple random couchsurfers (vagabonds new to Alaska, just like me) who I would have liked to spend more time with. Alex, Treegore (yes, Treegore), and I clicked instantly, telling crazy stories, relating adventures, and marveling in how different yet so perfectly similar complete strangers can be. They first lured me in for breakfast, with promise of homemade chili, bread, and a great view. What I had envisioned quickly faded when Treegore pulled out two cans of vegetarian chili, sriracha, and store-bought bread. To my surprise, it hit the spot. I think sharing a meal with strangers is probably one of the quickest ways to become friends. We made our way to a warm coffee shop, where the food and story sharing continued. Their stories amazed me, and made me want to experience more places; my age amazed them, four years younger and yet I was doing what they had only recently started. I’m finding more and more people surprised by my age…do I really look that old? Need to up the wrinkle cream dosage I guess! I spent the rest of the afternoon with Alex, getting to know each other more; I have never met a more positive, animated, and refreshingly honest person as him. Then I proceeded to stuff my belly full of super healthy Mongolian BBQ with Casey and Brad. I spent a few hours a Barnes and Noble yesterday, perusing a variety of travel books, and magazines ranging from Sunset to Alaska to Tattooed Girls… I had a lot of time to kill! I sat on some comfy chairs by the fireplace, feeling quite relaxed. Then the man across from me caught my eye; dressed in tattered and dirty clothing, and snoring like no one’s business. After the manager escorted him out another man of similar appearance took his place, and I realized this must be where the homeless come to warm up and catch a few zzz’s. Immediately felt itchy all over and left shortly after! Then I met up with my current host, Kelvin. He took me to a BBQ with all of his friends; it was fun to meet a bunch of new people, and even talk about home with a few that know Wyoming. We then proceeded to ride bikes across town to a De La Sol concert, which was fun. So now it’s noon and I am still in bed, still in pjs, a protein bar and kombucha in my belly, and I have not a single complaint. I plan to make my host a feast tonight, so glad to get to cook and bring joy through tasty food! I still have over a week of free time and not a clue what to do! I am definitely ready to be out of the city and in more remote and beautiful wilderness as I have yet to use my camera. So I will probably head out Sunday or Monday and make my way to Seward. Really wishing I had brought all my camping gear, although it’s still a little chilly for that.

I marvel at the love and support I have from so many people. It’s the greatest comfort to know that no matter where I am in the world, I always have people out there loving me. And I love you all back! Knowing that people care about me, envy my adventures, and enjoy my pictures is really what keeps me going. One purpose of this blog is so that whenever you need it, you can take inspiration, laugh a little, laugh a lot, shed a tear, full on cry, roll your eyes, smile, and maybe even plan your own escapade.


  1. You inspire me woman! I love you so much and i am envying you right now. Keep taking it all in :) You're already so good at it. I am going to take away that today.....that you shouldn't take anything for granted, take it all in. Thanks for the life lesson <3 Gigi

  2. I love you so much Gianna! Thank you for your support. I'm glad you are enjoying my stories so far. xoxoxoxo
