Wednesday, May 29, 2013

For the Love of Now

There are far too many times in life I get caught up in the past—nostalgia, loss, happier times, and in the future—fears, far away dreams, indecisiveness. But then there are the moments that bring me right back to here and now and make me love life more than I ever thought possible.  It’s always the smallest moments that leave the biggest imprints on our hearts. And those moments have become more frequent the more I’ve just let go.

I think the thing that makes it so hard staying ‘here’ is the frequent inquires of my future plans. I have unintentionally set these expectations of going on crazy adventures. I do have some plans up my sleeve, but for the love of now, I just want to make plans for the summer and no further beyond that.

I’ve spent every chance I can outside, in my element. Camping and hiking, doing yoga in the woods, cooking steaks over radiant coals, snapping photos of everything and nothing. Ah, how it fills my soul to fall asleep to the trickle of a chocolate stream. Somehow laying under the stars, pointing out constellations in an impossibly crowded sky, makes me feel so insignificant yet so immense.  Though I toss and turn in my sleeping bag and wake with every sudden snap or rustle, I awake feeling rested and rejuvenated. Moments like these tempt me to run away and live out my life as a wild woman, living with nature, free of excess and stress and the force that runs our lives…money. How profound it would be to survive based on actual survival skills and instinct and knowledge.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh to be young and free, to explore and dream. Stay fresh and alive.

  3. The last image is intriguing, full of puzzlement. The lake shot is calm, and calming, and well done. Keep posting.
