Checking in from Paracas, Peru!
This lovely little beach town has given me some down time to really think about a lot of things. Traveling in a third world country has evolved my perspective of life in more ways than one. At first, driving through the high mountain Quechua villages made me a bit sad. I could only think of how hard their lives must be, about how their stares as we passed by seemed bitter (now I think it was just curiosity), and about all the things they lived without. But then I started seeing the smiles. Those toothless, ear to ear grins are some of the most genuine smiles I have ever seen. It occurred to me that these people live an abundant life because they have enough. So many people are never satisfied, they never have enough...enough money, enough possessions, enough distraction. These people are living simply, but they are living meaningfully. The children here are so beautiful. They play with sticks, they laugh, they are willing to share with you even though they don't have much. It is so inspirational to see that this way of life can be wonderful.
Before I left, I bought a book called E-squared by Pam Grout. It has been one of the best books that has ever come into my life, and I would recommend it to anyone. I am really excited to tell you about these ideas, because I think everyone deserves to know how much potential there is in the universe!
It has 9 experiments in it to prove the idea that we control what happens to us. The first one blew me away. I started reading this book on the plane to Austin, and the first task was to ask the universe for an unexpected gift within the timeframe of 48 hours. So I did. About 3 hours later, I was passing layover time by enjoying wine and reading in this airport wine bar. The man next to me was on the same flight to Austin, so we got to talking a little bit. We pretty much just exchanged the basics, travel plans, occupations, etc. I told him about my trip to South America and he was really excited about it. So after maybe 20 minutes of talking, it was finally time for our plane to board. I reached for my purse at the same time he said "put hers on my tab too". Mind you, I had been there for about 2 hours, drank two glasses of Malbec, and ate a very fancy my bill was around $50. I protested and told him it wasn't necessary, but he insisted and simply said "Here's to the start of your amazing trip." Wow. I definitely marked that down as my unexpected gift! I was so intrigued after that, that I had to keep reading and keep performing these experiments... and I am now a believer!
Basically we control our reality. Everything we think and feel creates our world. This includes fears, prayers, every little thought. We control everything from our physical appearance to our health to our lifestyles. There is far too much negativity going around, and every time you affirm a negative thought, it grows. By saying "I am sick" you become more ill. By saying "I am fat" you continue to gain weight. By constantly asking "what's wrong?" we focus on only the's just in our nature. But if we just start asking ourselves "what's right?" we immediately focus on only the positive aspects of our lives, and those will thrive. By saying "I am healthy" you will feel good. By saying "I am happy" you will be filled with joy. It's so simple. The power of "I AM" is so immense!
I AM a photographer
I AM prosperous in life
I AM a source of positive energy
I AM love
I AM thankful
I AM the master of my destiny
These are a few of the affirmations I tell myself every day. The entire list takes about one minute to recite. This list is filled with all the things I aspire to be. By saying these simple things over and over, I start to really believe them, and they become my truth. I have the exact life I want...we all do. Though it may not seem like it to you, you have created all that is your reality. So if there is something you don't like, something you truly want to change, then just do it. Life is far too short to spend unhappy and unhealthy and lost.
The end of the book sums up pretty well her ideas of this belief:
1. You are awesome. Whether you realize it or not, you are
a tremendously powerful energetic being.
Currents of possibilities run deep through your bones.
2. The great field of potentiality is unlimited.
Absolutely anything is possible. All it takes is the willingness to open your mind,
surrender the "old-school" conditioning,
and continue to expand into more joyful, freer, bigger ideas.
3. We're all in this together. If we take care of one
another and go the extra mile to appreciate and play together,
we all gain- each one of us is lifted up.
Sure, we could walk alone to the finish line.
But the real joy comes from tackling the journey together,
from raising our voices in one mighty, unified wahoo!
This idea has so much more to it. There are countless books about this subject, so I could really go on forever. But I just want to inspire you to open your mind to this. Try the same experiment I did, ask for an unexpected gift and truly believe that it will happen within 48 hours. You have nothing to lose, only to gain! When your gift appears, I would be thrilled to hear about it, and know that this is not just impacting my life positively, but yours as well.
I will be sure to update about travels very soon, and post some more photos. Another couple of days on the beach, then it's to the mountains of Arequipa!